Member’s Pages

Injuries are extremely rare on our walks but all members should carry a small first aid kit and emergency contact details in their rucksack.

General safety advice (Ramblers)

Everyday First Aid (Red Cross)

For serious injuries it can be hard to summon help in remote areas if there is no mobile phone signal. See advice below on contacting 999 by text message. Texts can often get through where the signal for voice is not adequate. (You have to register for this service beforehand). Also see the video explaining why you should dial 112 for emergency services rather than 999.

How to contact 999 by text message (pdf)

Why you should use 112 in an emergency and not 999


Though walking is inherently one of the safest outdoor activities, no activity is completely without risk. Please complete this form for all incidents, whether deemed minor, serious, a near miss, or if outside assistance was or was not required.  The information supplied here is confidential and will assist the Rambling Club to develop an overview of incidents and help us provide relevant guidance and training. Reporting of all accidents or incidents is a requirement of our insurance.

Accident/Incident Report Form (Word version)

Accident/Incident Report Form (pdf version)

Why you should use 112 to report emergencies and not 999