How to Join

You can attend two walks to try out the club and see if it meets your needs and you enjoy our company but after that you need to become a member. This currently costs £6.00 per person per year and is renewable on January 1st.

Either, contact the Membership Secretary

Or,  pay the membership fee and then fill in the Membership Application Form below.  Clicking SEND will send it directly to our Membership Secretary.  Please don’t send the form if you have not paid the fee!

We prefer the membership fee of £6.00 per person to be paid direct to the club bank account, by Telephone or Internet Banking, or by setting up a Standing Order to pay each year (the renewal date is 1 January each year).  You can also contact the Membership Secretary to arrange to pay by cheque.

The bank details are: 
TSB bank, Sort code  77-30-29,  account number   00003584,   account name is    Burton on Trent Rambling Club   
Please put your name in the reference box.  This is the only way we can know who has made the payment.

Click for Standing Order form for paying membership fee

Note: Some customers of Lloyds Bank will have problems paying by Internet Banking. Please contact the Membership Secretary if this applies to you.

Membership Application Form